Effective communication is crucial for the success of any European project. Whether it involves raising public awareness, engaging stakeholders, or disseminating results, ensuring that a broad audience understands and acts on the information presented can be challenging. This is where visual promotional materials, such as flyers, factsheets, and infographics, come in.
What are Visual Promotional Materials and Why are they Important?
Visual promotional materials are any type of visual content used for communication that conveys complex topics clearly and concisely. They can include images, graphs, charts, or diagrams and can be used on different communication channels, such as social media, embedded in a website, or included in a newsletter.
In the context of European projects, visual materials can be used to share and promote a wide range of information, with the goals of:
- increasing public understanding and awareness of the project to ensure a long-term impact,
- engaging stakeholders to help them understand a project’s objectives and benefits and to actively support it, and
- sharing findings to exchange the knowledge created within the project and ensure it is utilized effectively.
Examples of Visual Promotional Materials from Our Projects
In our projects we have used a variety of visual promotional materials to communicate with our audiences. For example, we have created (in collaboration with other project partners):
- Factsheets that summarize the main data and information presented in the full report of project activities. For example, for the LOCALISED project these have been instrumental during the EURESFO 2024 in Valencia (see here)
- Infographics that easily explain the overall project, and its approach. This has been widely used on the SDGs-EYES communication channels and included in presentations at events to present the project (see here).
- Pamphlets that showcase project outcomes in a more engaging way, fostering deeper understanding and interest. These have been distributed after the SDGs-EYES policy event in Kracov (see here) or to present some policy recommendations after the work conducted within the S+T+ARTS Prize project (see here).
- Flyers and Roll-ups to create a visual and interactive presentation of our projects. These have been showcased during project events and conferences by the diverse consortiums members.
So far, we have experienced that visual materials are powerful tools for communication in European projects. By simplifying complex information, they allow us to reach diverse audiences – including policymakers, researchers, and the general public – ensuring that project messages resonate widely and effectively. You can have a look at the in our Resources section, under “Multimedia”!
As we continue to leverage these tools, we are also actively exploring new ways to communicate our project outcomes and make an effective impact.