T6 is actively developing innovative communication strategies, paying particular attention to visual content consumption, as highlighted in the previous news. Addittionally, we are also exploring the use of video interviews in the communication activities of European projects.

Video Interviews: When They Are Used and Why They Are Important

Video is a powerful multimedia tool to communicate project objectives, methodologies, and impacts. Especially when sharing insights and perspectives from project partners, interviews become a valuable approach.

In details, some reasons  why this format is effective in achieving communication objectives:

  • Empathetic and Personal Communication: It offers a more intimate and direct narrative, allowing the actors involved in the project to explain their roles and expectations in a more human and engaging way
  • Improved Understanding and Stakeholder Engagement: It helps to make project information, activities and results more understandable for stakeholders, while also fostering greater emotional engagement
  • Immediate Visual Impact: It creates a compelling visual experience, engaging the audience in a way that static format (e.g. articles or presentations) cannot, and makes messages more persuasive  
  • Versatility of Distribution: It is strategic to be shared in different channels (e.g. on project website, social media, newsletters, etc.) as well as in various contexts, such as institutional events or informational meetings

Examples of Video Interviews from Our Projects

When leading communication and dissemination activities T6 Ecosystem frequently uses video interviews as a communication tool in the various projects.

For instance, in the CASRI project, we filmed interviews with project partners during the kick-off meeting. These videos, showcasing motivations and personal insights of actors’ involvement in the project, are then widely disseminated through social media  platforms, websites and networks. Have a Look at the CASRI Videos: Click Here

Similarly, for the CircEUlar project, a series of video interviews focused on the collaboration between researchers from CircEUlar and artists has been produced. Filmed within the framework of the Klima Biennale Wien, these video interviews aim to showcase how science and art collaborate, explaining the project’s research findings through the lens of artists. Watch The CircEUlar Art&Science Video Series: Click Here (still in progress)

Moreover, also for the SDGs-EYES project, we utilized video interviews to showcase the project overview, introduce partner activities, and outline expected results in a clear and engaging way. See the SDGs-EYES partners interviews: Click Here

To summarize, videos offer a powerful tool to engage the audience. Interviews, in particular, help to convey messages in a more authentic manner, with people speaking directly to the camera, sharing their efforts, hopes, and often, their emotions.

T6 is also producing a range of videos to introduce our organization and its work: keep an eye out for updates! 

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