Sara Giorgi



Sara Giorgi has a First Class Honours Bachelor of Arts in European Social and Political Studies from the University College of London and a Master of Science in Environmental Policy, Planning and Regulation from the London School of Economics. Sara is an experienced, mixed-method social researcher, project manager and evaluation practitioner with almost 20 years’ experience in sustainability research.

She has worked in stimulating research environments like the Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus (CECAN), research consultancies that strive to generate impact like Brook Lyndhurst, and advocacy charities like Friends of the Earth. Her research experience and interests include: circular economy; waste and resource efficiency; sustainable clothing; food purchasing, consumption and disposal; energy and climate change; and communities.

She has worked at the crossroad between policy, research and programme implementation so is well-versed with applied research and evidence-based policy recommendations. Sara uses her rich knowledge of behaviour change theory to better frame and anchor research findings and their implications. At T6 Ecosystems she is Senior Researcher and currently works on stakeholder engagement and policy dialogue on CircEUlar.


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