On December 10th, IDMO delegation went on the premises of the Ministry of Education to sign a formal agreement to enhance media literacy in the schools. The formal collaboration aims at increasing media education over the next years by providing the Ministry with tools, contents and concrete proposals.

IDMO and the Disinformation

Since 2021 the Italian Digital Media Observatory is committed to tackle disinformation. One of the actions has been devoted to develop media literacy courses in the schools and by providing citizens at large small video to raise awareness on the topic. In addition, T6 and RAI has conducted a research to map and analyze media literacy gaps and needs in the Italian secondary schools. The results have been presented to Italian Ministry of Education on June 2024.

The Role of the Italian Ministry of Education

Following these initiatives, on December 10th, IDMO has signed a formal agreement with the Italian Ministry of Education to deliver a set of lessons to enhance media literacy competences and skills in the secondary schools during 2025. T6, RAI, and the partners of IDMO, indeed, will have the occasion to teach the students on how to protect themselves from disinformation campaigns by presenting tools, techniques and contents to fight disinformation arising their critical thinking.

The collaboration between IDMO and the Ministry of Education is a relevant step forward bridging the outcomes of the project toward policy makers. The constant connection between IDMO and the Ministry will ensure a real implementation of the media literacy actions in the schools by constantly providing supports and updated tools.

Follow us to learn more the calendar of the media literacy meetings!

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