T6 has a strong track record in operating at the crossroads of academic research and policy development, often working with quadruple helix actors. Our role is to ensure that the scientific findings are translated into actionable recommendations for policy makers and analysts.

In CircEUlar, for example, the T6 team, alongside colleagues at IIASA, have established a stakeholder engagement programme that runs continuously through the research tasks whereby any insights generated are fedback into the research parameters and outcomes. For this reason, it was strategically important for T6 to attend the Joint Event of CircoMod, CircEUlar and the European Environmental Agency (EEA), organised in Brussels on September 27th 2024.

The event brought together scientists and researchers in academia, and analysts and officers in policy. The aim of the event was two-fold: firstly, to share research insights on empirical data, narratives and modelling from EU Horizon projects CircoMod, CircEUlar and CO2NSTRUCT, and, secondly, to facilitate a roundtable discussion around the science-policy interface on integrating circular economy measures into climate modelling.

The three projects shared research updates on empirical research including mitigation of GHG emissions and consumer survey insights on circular practices, on narratives for more circular futures and on modelling circular economy strategies and climate change mitigation. The roundtable debate saw researchers from CircoMod, CircEUlar and CO2NSTRUCT, address questions from policy representatives from DG CLIMA, DG Environment, OECD and EEA. . 

For T6, it was useful to take part and hear first hand the current, broader issues that the European Commission is grappling with in the context of circularity and the forthcoming Circular Economy Act. This discussion highlighted some research gaps in the data especially when it comes to material stocks and costs, the need for synthesis and a call for common definitions and approaches across the circular economy narratives and scenarios. These insights will help shape the policy dialogue work that T6 will be leading later in the project. T6 will continue its bridging role, making sure feedback from policy colleagues at the EU, OECD and EEA are taken onboard so that research insights from the modelling are pertinent, practical and applicable, enabling evidence-based policy development for progressing the circular economy.

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